Research into the Maintenance of Software
The following research findings are relevant to the IfSQ Standards:
Why should you inspect software?
- Code inspection is up to 20 times more efficient than testing
- Code reading detected about 80% more faults per hour than testing
- Debugging and associated rework takes about 50% of the time spent in a typical software development cycle
- Microsoft's applications division has found that it takes 3 hours to find and fix a defect using code inspection compared to 12 hours by using testing
- The combination of design and code inspections usually removes at least 70% of the defects in a product
- Detection of design defects costs 6 times more using testing than by using inspections
- Code inspection at NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory found 20 to 60 percent more errors than testing did
- A study of 13 reviews at AT&T found that the importance of the review meeting itself was overrated; 90% of the defects were found in preparation for the review meeting and only about 10% were found during the review itself
- IBM found that each hour of inspection prevented about 100 hours of related work
- As much as 90% of development effort on a typical software system comes after its initial release, with two-thirds being typical
- Designers and programmers learn to improve their work through participating in inspections and inspections improve productivity by 20% or more
- About 85% of errors can be fixed in a few hours if caught in the development stage
- Construction errors detected during system testing cost 10 times more to fix than in the construction phase and 10-25 times more to fix when detected post-release
- Correcting defects earlier rather than later in a project can cut overall development costs by factors of two or more
- ICI found that maintaining a portfolio of about 400 programs was only about 10% of the cost of maintaining a similar set of programs that had not been inspected
- A study of large programs found that every hour spent on inspections avoided an average of 33 hours of maintenance
- Increased quality assurance is associated with a decreased error rate but does not increase overall development cost
When should you inspect software?
- The average project experiences about a 25 percent change in requirements during development
- 70 to 85 percent of rework on a typical project is caused by changes in requirements during development
- Raytheon reduced its cost of rework from about 40% of total project cost to 20% through an initiative that focused on inspections
- Software defect removal is the most expensive and time-consuming form of work for software
- NASA's Software Engineering Laboratory found that code inspection detected about 3.3 defects per hour of effort, compared to 1.8 errors per hour of testing effort
- The average cost of finding an error using code inspections is 3.5 staff hours compared to 15-25 hours to find each error through testing
What should you look for?
- A study showed that when routines averaged 100 to 150 lines each, code was more stable and required less changes
- Routines with 143 lines or less are 2.4 times less expensive to fix than larger routines
- A study at IBM found that the most error-prone routines were those larger than 500 lines of code
- Few people can understand more than 3 levels of nested "if" statements
- Many researchers recommend avoiding going to more than four levels
- The DRY principle: Don't Repeat Yourself
- Control-flow complexity has been correlated with low reliability and frequent errors
- The competent programmer is fully aware of the strictly limited size of his own skull
- Copy and Paste is a design error
- 39% of all errors are caused by internal interface errors / errors in communication between routines
- 50% to 80% of plain "if" statements should have had an "else" clause
- A study of 450 routines found that 50 percent of highly cohesive programs were fault free, compared to only 18 percent of routines with low cohesion
- Given a sample of 450 routines, the routines with the highest coupling-to-cohesion ratios had 7 times more errors than those with the lowest ratios
- Routines with low cohesion can cost 20 times more to fix than fixing highly cohesive routines
- The effort required to debug a program is minimized when variables had names averaging 10 to 16 characters long
- 46 percent of routines with no unused variables had no errors compared to only 17 to 29 percent for those with one or more unreferenced variables
- Large programs that use information hiding are a factor 4 easier to modify than programs which don't